In 2011 I started using Instagram only to use the filters that were introduced back then. They were an awful set of filters, but it was all a new experience, and using your phone as a camera was quite a miracle at that time 😉 …
The iPhone camera was so bad (compared to an SLR camera), that no one thought that in time it would start a new photography movement called Mobile Photography, and ios Mobile Photography to become iPhoneography.
In no time, the App Store began filled with countless photography editing apps, and users started to create photography art, using various editing applications on top of the other (apping). Various hashtags appeared and Instagram was on fire, bursting with worldwide creativity and genuine art sharing.
When Facebook acquired Instagram, it was the beginning of the end. New algorithm was introduced, commercial ads started appearing in feeds, and numerous new stuff was added, including archives, stories, reels, shops and other “better user experience” features.
While I’ve archived most of my photos, showing only some of them on my Instagram feed, most of them are archived online, at for your pleasure 😉